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Refaire la France Replay dy débat aux Bernardins.

Sur l'Islam, débat entre Remi Brague et Ghaleb Bencheikh. Replay du débat aux Bernardins. Cliquer.

L'Islam et la liberté de conscience - Fondation de l'islam de France.
Si vous n'avez pas pu assister à ce Colloque en direct, il est visible en Replay sur la video de la Fondation de l'Islam de France ( cliquer )

Le Cri de la Paix, Religions et Cultures en dialogue, Rome 23 au 25 octobre 2022.
Avec Sant'Egidio. Autour de la guerre en Ukraine.
Video de l'Assemblée inaugurale, le 23 octobre 2022"
Frère Alois de Taizé : La prière comme source de paix. Cliquer.

- Vidéo de la conférence donnée le mercredi 17 novembre 2021 , animée par Mgr Jean-Marc Aveline, archevêque de Marseille, et Mme Nayla Tabbara, présidente de la fondation libanaise Adyan et professeure à l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth.

- Vidéo de l'hommage-prière interconvictionnelle pour les victimes de la pandémie par l'association Agir pour la Fraternité.Paris 15e (cliquer)

- Mardi 5 février 2021 : vidéo-conférence :Fondacio, La dimension spirituelle des enjeux actuels, regards croisés ; juif, catholique, musulmane"> Revoir la rencontre du 5 février.

Vidéo à revoir : Cultiver la paix avec Louis Massignon.

Dans le monde

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World Conference on Religion and Peace.


(élu le 29 Novembre 1999)

H.R.H. Prince El-Hassan bin Talal, Muslim, JORDAN*
The Royal Court, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

Vice Modérateur
V. Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, Orthodox, USA*
Director of Ecumenical Affairs, Orthodox Church in America

Mr. Simon Xavier Guerrand-Hermès, Protestant, MOROCCO*
Chairman, Guerrand Hermès Foundation for Peace

Secrétaire Général
Dr. William F. Vendley, USA*

Dr. Agnes Abuom, Anglican, KENYA
President, World Council of Churches

Ms. Farida Ali, Muslim, PAKISTAN
Program Officer, United Nations Children's Fund

Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Al-Qubrusi Al-Haqqani, Muslim, CYPRUS
Grand Mufti of Turkish Cypriots

Dr. Vinu Aram, Hindu, INDIA*
Director, Shanti Ashram

Dr. Deepali Bhanot, Hindu, INDIA
Professor, New Delhi University

Dr. Elizabeth Bowen, Baha'i, USA
Representative, Baha'i International Community

Sr. Rita Burley, Roman Catholic, VATICAN
President, International Union of Superiors General

The Most Rev. and The Rt. Honorable George Carey, Anglican, UK
Archbishop of Canterbury, Church of England

H.E. Godfried Cardinal Danneels, Roman Catholic, BELGIUM
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Mechelen-Brussels

H.E. Archbishop Demetrios, Orthodox, USA
Archbishop, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Mrs. Judith M. Hertz, Jewish, USA
Chairperson, Interreligious Affairs of Reform Judaism, Union of American Hebrew Congregations

H.E. William Cardinal Keeler, Roman Catholic, USA
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Baltimore

H.E. Metropolitan Kirill, Orthodox, RUSSIA
Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, Moscow Patriarchate

Prof. Dr. Norbert Klaes, Roman Catholic, GERMANY*
Professor, University of Würtzburg

Prof. Dr. Hans Küng, Roman Catholic, GERMANY
President, Stiftung Weltethos, Tübingen University

Ven. Dr. Chung Ok Lee, Won Buddhist, KOREA*
Senior Representative of Won Buddhist International Community to the United Nations

Dr. Ahmad Syafii Maarif, Muslim, INDONESIA
President, Muhammadiyah

Mr. Mir Nawaz Khan Marwat, Muslim, PAKISTAN
Assistant Secretary General, World Muslim Congress

Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed, Muslim, USA
President, W.D. Mohammed Ministries

Mr. Ziad Moussa, Christian, LEBANON*
Founding member, Islamo-Christian Youth Council

Rev. Nichiko Niwano, Buddhist, JAPAN*
President, Rissho Kosei-kai

H.E. Dr. Adamou N'Dam N'Joya, Muslim, CAMEROON
Minister Plenipotentiary, Republic of Cameroon

Dr. Setri Nyomi, Protestant, SWITZERLAND
General Secretary, World Alliance of Reformed Churches

H.E. Archbishop John O. Onaiyekan, Roman Catholic, NIGERIA*
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Abuja

Rt. Rev. William Phipps, Protestant, CANADA
Moderator, United Church of Canada

Rev. Judith Mills Reimer, Protestant, USA
General Secretary of the General Board, Church of the Brethren

H.E. Oscar Cardinal Rodriquez, Roman Catholic, HONDURAS
Archbishop, Archdiocese of Tegucigalpa

Rabbi David Rosen, Jewish, ISRAEL*
International Director of Interreligious Relations, American Jewish Committee

Mr. Jehangir Sarosh, Zoroastrian, UNITED KINGDOM
Moderator, WCRP Europe

Ms. Beatriz Schulthess, Indigenous, COSTA RICA*
Coordinator, Indigenous People's Spiritual Consultative Council

H.E. Peter Cardinal Seiichi Shirayanagi, Roman Catholic, JAPAN
President, Japanese Committee of the World Conference on Religion and Peace

Grand Rabbi René Samuel Sirat, Jewish, FRANCE
Vice President, Conference of European Rabbis

Bishop Gunnar Stälsett, Protestant, NORWAY*
Bishop of Oslo, Church of Norway

Sri Sri Sugunendra Theertha Swamiji, Hindu, INDIA
Abbot, Sri Putige Matha Monastery

Mr. Naoki Yuichiro Taketani, Buddhist, JAPAN
Associate Program Officer, Rissho Kosei-kai

Bishop K.H. Ting, Protestant, CHINA
President, China Christian Association

Dr. Amina Wadud, Muslim, USA*
Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University

(*members of the Executive Committee)

Honorary Presidents

H.E. E.J. Korthals Altes, Protestant, NETHERLANDS
Representative, European Union

Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne, Buddhist, SRI LANKA
Founder and President, Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement

Rev. John A. Buehrens, Protestant, USA
President, Unitarian Universalist Association

H.E. Fernando Capalla, Roman Catholic, PHILIPPINES
Archbishop, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue

H.E. Dr. Mustafa Ceric, Muslim, BOSNIA- HERZEGOVINA
Reisu-l-ulema, Islamic Community of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Bishop Remi De Roo, Roman Catholic, CANADA
Bishop Emeritus of Victoria, Diocese of Victoria

Dr. Jane Evans, Jewish, USA
Board, Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Rabbi Gabriel Frydman, Jewish, ARGENTINA
President, Interreligious Peace
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